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BND-TPK01 Test Probe Kits
Name:BND-TPK01 Test Probe Kits
Manufacturer:Our complete line of accessibility probes will allow you to determine compliance with all IEC, EN, UL, CE, CSA and other international safety Standards.
Product Description:

The TPK-01 contains the devices listed in the core of the UL / IEC / EN 60950 requirements. It includes the following:

IEC Jointed Finger Probe (w/ banana jack in handle) (TFP-01)
50mm Impact Test Ball (BND-G500R)
Test Pin Probe: short (BND-13)
Rigid Finger Probe (BND-11)
Ball Pressure Tester (BND-QY102)
Telecom Test Probe (BND-TB12)

Also includes: custom-cut foam padded carrying case and ISO 17025 accredited Certificate of Calibration - - with specific Scope for

“Accessibility Probes”!

Meets Requirements for Testing Standard(s) including but not limited to:IEC 60950EN 60950UL 60950CSA

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